Bulwark Web API Service Host

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Get CustomerFullRequest

The following routes are available for this service:

To override the Content-type in your clients HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /jsv/reply/CustomerFullRequest HTTP/1.1 
Host: vghost.bulwarkpestcontrol.com 
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	Id: 0,
	AccountNumber: String,
			AcquisitionCompany: String,
			Office: String,
			MapGrid: String,
			City: String,
			State: String,
			ZoneName: String,
					Id: 0,
					Customer_Id: 0,
					Location_Id: 0,
					Number: String,
					Extension: String,
					CanEmail: False,
					Active: False,
					Priority: 0,
					ModifiedOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					ServiceNoticeOptIn: False,
					DoNotText: False,
					CanText: False,
					IsScheduling: False,
					IsBilling: False
					Location: String,
					CanText: False,
					Id: 0,
					Customer_Id: 0,
					Location_Id: 0,
					Number: String,
					Extension: String,
					CanEmail: False,
					Active: False,
					Priority: 0,
					ModifiedOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					ServiceNoticeOptIn: False,
					DoNotText: False,
					IsScheduling: False,
					IsBilling: False
					Id: 0,
					Customer_Id: 0,
					ServiceType_Id: 0,
					Finish: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					Billing: String,
					Method: String,
					Account_Id: 0,
					IsCharge: 0,
					Charge: 0,
					PaymentAmount: 0,
					UseISDiscount: False,
					Discount: 0,
					ZeroBill: False,
					SoldBy_Id: 0,
					ConfirmedBy_Id: 0,
					Confirmee: String,
					ReferredBy_Id: 0,
					PayScale: 0,
					SaleType_Id: 0,
					SaleSubType_Id: 0,
					ISPayout: 0,
					MinimumTargetOverride: 0,
					ContractValue: 0,
					CommissionMax: 0,
					CommissionDue: 0,
					CommissionPaid: 0,
					Active: False,
					PriceIncrease: 0,
					Linked: False,
					ReferredBy: String,
					StartTime2: String,
					EndTime2: String,
					WelcomedBy_Id: 0,
					IS7TP: False,
					StandardTargetOverride: 0,
					ChargebackDaysOverride: 0,
					ChargebackTerminationOverride: False,
					ModifiedOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					SalesLeadPhoneNumber: String,
					ReferralTech_Id: 0,
					Prorated: False,
					NumberOfBaitStations: 0,
					ModifiedBy_Id: 0,
					IS5TP: False,
					FirstCouponPaymentOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					CouponCode: String,
					WarrantyFeeBeginDate: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					RetentionMinimum: 0,
					IsOverrideWarrantyDate: False,
					ChargeFrequencyType_Id: 0
			Immunity: False,
			Id: 0,
			AccountNumber: String,
			Status: String,
			Balance: 0,
			FirstName: String,
			LastName: String,
			Address: String,
			City_Id: 0,
			State_Id: 0,
			Zip: String,
			ServiceContact: String,
			PhoneTitle1: String,
			PhoneLocation1: String,
			Phone1: String,
			PhoneExt1: String,
			PhoneTitle2: String,
			PhoneLocation2: String,
			Phone2: String,
			PhoneExt2: String,
			PhoneTitle3: String,
			PhoneLocation3: String,
			Phone3: String,
			PhoneExt3: String,
			PhoneTitle4: String,
			PhoneLocation4: String,
			Phone4: String,
			PhoneExt4: String,
			TaxRate: 0,
			Email1: String,
			Email2: String,
			Perimeter: 0,
			SqFeet: 0,
			MultiStory: False,
			LinearFeet: 0,
			FenceLine: 0,
			YardSqFeet: 0,
			AddressType: 0,
			B_FirstName: String,
			B_LastName: String,
			B_Attention: String,
			B_Address1: String,
			B_Address2: String,
			B_City: String,
			B_State: String,
			B_Zip: String,
			B_Phone: String,
			B_PhoneExt: String,
			B_Fax: String,
			Jan: False,
			Feb: False,
			Mar: False,
			Apr: False,
			May: False,
			Jun: False,
			Jul: False,
			Aug: False,
			Sep: False,
			Oct: False,
			Nov: False,
			Dec: False,
			PONumber: String,
			SalesTaxExempt: False,
			SalesTaxCode: String,
			SendPaperBill: False,
			Collector_Id: 0,
			CreditHold: String,
			TurnedOver: False,
			LastPayment: 0,
			Agency_Id: 0,
			TurnoverAmount: 0,
			TurnoverReceived: 0,
			TurnoverOffice: 0,
			PriceIncreaseAmount: 0,
			PriceIncreaseMessage: False,
			Collection: 0,
			LastLetter_Id: 0,
			Terminated: False,
			TerminationReason: String,
			TerminationDetails: String,
			Terminator_Id: 0,
			Office_Id: 0,
			MapGrid_Id: 0,
			GPS_Longitude: 0,
			GPS_Latitude: 0,
			TreatmentPlan: False,
			TreatmentDetails: String,
			CallbackCount: 0,
			Notes: String,
			OldNotes: String,
			Zone_Id: 0,
			CityMap_Id: 0,
			Route: String,
			ServiceHold: String,
			TAccountNumber: String,
			RegState: 0,
			UseChargeOn: False,
			ChargeOn: 0,
			PriceIncreaseNextPercentage: 0,
			PriceIncreaseNextCount: 0,
			PriceIncreaseNeedsAudit: False,
			TreatmentType_Id: 0,
			ModifiedOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
			LotSize: 0,
			LastClosingPrice: 0,
			NoEmails: False,
			NoEmailsRequestOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
			ServiceNoticeCall: False,
			AlternateBillingForm: False,
			TargetWeek: 0,
			PropertyType_Id: 0,
			PropertyDetail_Id: 0,
			FollowUpOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
			ModifiedBy: 0,
			TreatmentTypeConfirmed: 0,
			TerminatingPhoneNumber_Id: 0,
			TerminatingPhoneNumber: String,
			GoAnytime: False,
			LengthOfAgreement: 0,
			WeedYardType_Id: 0,
			WeedControlSqFeet: 0,
			ServiceAreaType_Id: 0,
			OverReseedType_Id: 0,
			NoAutopayRequestOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
			NoAutopay: False,
			LawnCareSqFeet: 0,
			LawnCareSeason_Id: 0,
			LawnCareGrassType_Id: 0,
			ServiceAgreementSigned: False,
			NumberOfTreesOrShrubs: 0,
			LastClosingDate: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z"
		ErrorCode: String,
		Message: String,
		StackTrace: String,
				ErrorCode: String,
				FieldName: String,
				Message: String
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	Id: 0,
	AccountNumber: String,
			AcquisitionCompany: String,
			Office: String,
			MapGrid: String,
			City: String,
			State: String,
			ZoneName: String,
					Id: 0,
					Customer_Id: 0,
					Location_Id: 0,
					Number: String,
					Extension: String,
					CanEmail: False,
					Active: False,
					Priority: 0,
					ModifiedOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					ServiceNoticeOptIn: False,
					DoNotText: False,
					CanText: False,
					IsScheduling: False,
					IsBilling: False
					Location: String,
					CanText: False,
					Id: 0,
					Customer_Id: 0,
					Location_Id: 0,
					Number: String,
					Extension: String,
					CanEmail: False,
					Active: False,
					Priority: 0,
					ModifiedOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					ServiceNoticeOptIn: False,
					DoNotText: False,
					IsScheduling: False,
					IsBilling: False
					Id: 0,
					Customer_Id: 0,
					ServiceType_Id: 0,
					Finish: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					Billing: String,
					Method: String,
					Account_Id: 0,
					IsCharge: 0,
					Charge: 0,
					PaymentAmount: 0,
					UseISDiscount: False,
					Discount: 0,
					ZeroBill: False,
					SoldBy_Id: 0,
					ConfirmedBy_Id: 0,
					Confirmee: String,
					ReferredBy_Id: 0,
					PayScale: 0,
					SaleType_Id: 0,
					SaleSubType_Id: 0,
					ISPayout: 0,
					MinimumTargetOverride: 0,
					ContractValue: 0,
					CommissionMax: 0,
					CommissionDue: 0,
					CommissionPaid: 0,
					Active: False,
					PriceIncrease: 0,
					Linked: False,
					ReferredBy: String,
					StartTime2: String,
					EndTime2: String,
					WelcomedBy_Id: 0,
					IS7TP: False,
					StandardTargetOverride: 0,
					ChargebackDaysOverride: 0,
					ChargebackTerminationOverride: False,
					ModifiedOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					SalesLeadPhoneNumber: String,
					ReferralTech_Id: 0,
					Prorated: False,
					NumberOfBaitStations: 0,
					ModifiedBy_Id: 0,
					IS5TP: False,
					FirstCouponPaymentOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					CouponCode: String,
					WarrantyFeeBeginDate: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
					RetentionMinimum: 0,
					IsOverrideWarrantyDate: False,
					ChargeFrequencyType_Id: 0
			Immunity: False,
			Id: 0,
			AccountNumber: String,
			Status: String,
			Balance: 0,
			FirstName: String,
			LastName: String,
			Address: String,
			City_Id: 0,
			State_Id: 0,
			Zip: String,
			ServiceContact: String,
			PhoneTitle1: String,
			PhoneLocation1: String,
			Phone1: String,
			PhoneExt1: String,
			PhoneTitle2: String,
			PhoneLocation2: String,
			Phone2: String,
			PhoneExt2: String,
			PhoneTitle3: String,
			PhoneLocation3: String,
			Phone3: String,
			PhoneExt3: String,
			PhoneTitle4: String,
			PhoneLocation4: String,
			Phone4: String,
			PhoneExt4: String,
			TaxRate: 0,
			Email1: String,
			Email2: String,
			Perimeter: 0,
			SqFeet: 0,
			MultiStory: False,
			LinearFeet: 0,
			FenceLine: 0,
			YardSqFeet: 0,
			AddressType: 0,
			B_FirstName: String,
			B_LastName: String,
			B_Attention: String,
			B_Address1: String,
			B_Address2: String,
			B_City: String,
			B_State: String,
			B_Zip: String,
			B_Phone: String,
			B_PhoneExt: String,
			B_Fax: String,
			Jan: False,
			Feb: False,
			Mar: False,
			Apr: False,
			May: False,
			Jun: False,
			Jul: False,
			Aug: False,
			Sep: False,
			Oct: False,
			Nov: False,
			Dec: False,
			PONumber: String,
			SalesTaxExempt: False,
			SalesTaxCode: String,
			SendPaperBill: False,
			Collector_Id: 0,
			CreditHold: String,
			TurnedOver: False,
			LastPayment: 0,
			Agency_Id: 0,
			TurnoverAmount: 0,
			TurnoverReceived: 0,
			TurnoverOffice: 0,
			PriceIncreaseAmount: 0,
			PriceIncreaseMessage: False,
			Collection: 0,
			LastLetter_Id: 0,
			Terminated: False,
			TerminationReason: String,
			TerminationDetails: String,
			Terminator_Id: 0,
			Office_Id: 0,
			MapGrid_Id: 0,
			GPS_Longitude: 0,
			GPS_Latitude: 0,
			TreatmentPlan: False,
			TreatmentDetails: String,
			CallbackCount: 0,
			Notes: String,
			OldNotes: String,
			Zone_Id: 0,
			CityMap_Id: 0,
			Route: String,
			ServiceHold: String,
			TAccountNumber: String,
			RegState: 0,
			UseChargeOn: False,
			ChargeOn: 0,
			PriceIncreaseNextPercentage: 0,
			PriceIncreaseNextCount: 0,
			PriceIncreaseNeedsAudit: False,
			TreatmentType_Id: 0,
			ModifiedOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
			LotSize: 0,
			LastClosingPrice: 0,
			NoEmails: False,
			NoEmailsRequestOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
			ServiceNoticeCall: False,
			AlternateBillingForm: False,
			TargetWeek: 0,
			PropertyType_Id: 0,
			PropertyDetail_Id: 0,
			FollowUpOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
			ModifiedBy: 0,
			TreatmentTypeConfirmed: 0,
			TerminatingPhoneNumber_Id: 0,
			TerminatingPhoneNumber: String,
			GoAnytime: False,
			LengthOfAgreement: 0,
			WeedYardType_Id: 0,
			WeedControlSqFeet: 0,
			ServiceAreaType_Id: 0,
			OverReseedType_Id: 0,
			NoAutopayRequestOn: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z",
			NoAutopay: False,
			LawnCareSqFeet: 0,
			LawnCareSeason_Id: 0,
			LawnCareGrassType_Id: 0,
			ServiceAgreementSigned: False,
			NumberOfTreesOrShrubs: 0,
			LastClosingDate: "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z"
		ErrorCode: String,
		Message: String,
		StackTrace: String,
				ErrorCode: String,
				FieldName: String,
				Message: String